21 September, 2009


Sometimes I do really wonder coming back home is a good thing or not... Really. Yes I miss home, I have homesick. But sometimes I just cant take things like this and it really makes me feel like being an ostrich in ipoh for the rest of my life and not here to see all this havoc and nonsense. I just cant stand seeing all these shouting and nagging and crying and down faces. As if I'm back to see all these. I know everyone's stressed, and my rascal's been a real rascal. Yes he's turn ubber stubborn and now he doesnt even wanna listen to me anymore. Two months of not being at home sure changes a lot. He doesnt wanna heed whatever I say anymore and to be frank, it kills my self-confidence in being a primary school teacher in the future. If I cant even handle my little bro, who's only six, how will I be a teacher handling a class of 40? I've no idea seriously. He's too stubborn and he now cries whenever he wants something and really it pisses me off when he makes me cry. Yes I tell you, I cry over pekchek business about him. Damnit.

I now really doubt I can be a teacher in the future... Damn.

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