28 February, 2010







27 February, 2010






25 February, 2010




23 February, 2010


我安全通过‘开学过渡期’了!哈哈哈!是很废啦,但这是第一次这么怕回来啊。我从不介意忙着赶功课,我想应该是压力吧。再加上这个假期我什么也没做到,真的有点想撞墙的…不对,现在的我更想撞墙!我忘了带课业回就算了,现在连润肤霜也没带回来。这几天最好下下雨,不然我这皮肤敏感的脸皮就要痛死了。最最最最无可原谅的是,我竟忘了把宝贝带来啊!!!老天这是第一次我和它分开那么久啦!这几晚都很不习惯啊~~ TT^TT


也许,我应该放下多余的猜疑来看待事物。不管是魔术表演,还是其他事情,真的应该试试改掉那想太多的坏习惯。我知道一天一夜是不可能做到的,但可能我可以从最基本做起。我相信这个可能性是存在的,因为来到了这里,我第一次想去信任了才认识那么短短几个月的朋友。SOBA 之间的信任也不是一朝一夕就有的。大家都很好,从头到尾,都是我个人的问题。可能是人太钝,被骗太多次了,那道心墙就自然而然的越来越坚固了。给我点时间,我会努力的。为了自己,也为了其他真心待我好的人~


20 February, 2010

Lazy Pug

...........in the end, I did nothing yesterday. So many things jumped out from nowhere and now my cousins and aunt are here. There is no way I can work anymore, well that's what I think for the moment. I might have to wait till the time when school reopens... Haih.

I'm feeling guilty now, my groupmates must be working hard alrdy. Sorry.. (>_<)

19 February, 2010

Unforgivably BLUR

Breathe in... Breathe out... Breathe in... and suffocate.

THIS IS SO UNFORGIVABLE. I actually left my BIK assignment paper at the hostel, along with the linear programming's hwmk and some notes I need for my assignments. I was so shocked that I dug through my luggages and bags. And yeah, I didnt bring them home. Eff me, as I was saying. Dad and mum are so gonna kill me if they see this. Orz.

One more thing, I THOUGHT TODAY WAS TUESDAY. Not THURSDAY. Now this is freaking stupid. Which means I'm only two days away from heading back to Ipoh. Back to the hell of assignments and work. Okay I know it's fun to see my classmates again but my goodness, I feel so UNPREPARED. D:

Calm down ShinDee, CALM DOWNNNNN.

Okay, now I must get my mind clear, of what I can do. And MUST DO.
*looks at homework list*

1) 记叙文
2) 雷雨(第2节)
3) 西游记(第99,100回)
4) BIK Summary
5) BIK Newspaper Cuttings
6) Catherine's Public Speaking Speech
7) Rosidah's Individual Essay (Intro & Content)
8) MT1 Assignment
9) MT2 Assignment
10) MT1 Transformation
11) MT2 Linear Programming

1) Most prolly a nono now. With the notes at the hostel.
2) I'll make sure I read it! Actually I've started, though only a little bit.
3) Same as number two. PIA AH !!!
4) Stupid me left it at the hostel.
5) TMRW'S WORK. Carrying the whole stack of'em back to Ipoh is...
6) Will do this after I've finished the urgent ones. Secondary.
8) Cant do it by tomorrow I'm pretty sure of that.
9) Same as above.
11) ........another stupid case. Orz.

1) 雷雨(第2节)
2) 西游记(第99,100回)
3) BIK Newspaper Cuttings

4) Catherine's Public Speaking Speech
5) Rosidah's Individual Essay (Intro & Content)
6) MT1 Transformation

Dilemma: Should I take prostitution as the essay's topic? I'm hesitating as I'll have to present it in front of the whole class and I'm worried that it'll be slightly sensitive. Maybe it's just me I dunno.

I feel like an idiot. Still trying to calm down.
It feels so terrible being blur... TOO blur.

18 February, 2010


My shoulder is hurting like no one's business now. Eyes still sore.. But it happens once in a while. I just hope that  it'll get over soon. =)



17 February, 2010



16 February, 2010



Okay I know this reason's a little bit swt. But that is exactly what I had in mind. XD

Had a headache when I got up this morning. Eyes were very sore too and the sniffing didnt stop till noon.  I think I kinda wasted today. Cant seem to get into work mode. I have so many assignments and homework on hand and yet I'm loafing around like nothing. I'm even beginning to forget what am I supposed to do this week my goodness.

1) 记叙文
2) 雷雨(第2节)
3) 西游记(第99,100回)
4) BIK Summary
5) BIK Newspaper Cuttings
6) Catherine's Public Speaking Speech
7) Rosidah's Individual Essay (Intro & Content)
8) MT1 Assignment
9) MT2 Assignment
10) MT1 Transformation
11) MT2 Linear Programming

..........so many !!! And I dont think I will have time to do lah wei... TT^TT



昨天和家人下去太平。老天爷心情好,虽然天气还是热,但也没前几年那么炽热了。妈妈心情好像特别好,太平一旅她几乎都是笑着的。还有还有,没想到今年有得买新衣咧!买了件长裤、长裙和一件上衣。我蛮喜欢那件红色上衣的,但要配长裤,穿起来又很正式,就应该会比较少穿吧。长裙一定是上课穿的咯。我知道我又再买长裤了。但没办法啊,我本来就不是穿裙的料。穿裤比较自在,我没那么斯文。XD 要不是学院规定女生上课得穿裙子,我衣橱里连一件裙子都不会有。哦对了,还买了一双鞋子。其实是要买拖鞋的,找了很久都找不到。后来我和妈找到的,竟是一双三寸高跟。好像是三寸,明天量看。所以现在又有了一个新的挑战,穿着它走路。还好不是细根的,不然铁定走断我双腿。




14 February, 2010






11 February, 2010

The Missing Mood

Again, my classmates showed me things I've never really noticed before..

Chinese New Year was never too special for me. To me, it's just like another week of public holidays, and if fortunately, with extra income. XD Due to financial problems, my family doesn't really go for New Year shopping. We might just decorate the empty walls in the house a little bit, just to spice up the atmosphere. Our relatives aren't around in Penang. So we almost don't have any visitors. New Year is mostly quiet for us.

My classmates are different. I was so awed when I saw and heard them discussing about CNY''s preparations and stuff. They actually spend a month or two, to clean up, to shop, to decorate, to make biscuits. They go out and enjoy with friends and family. There's so much to do within that short week of holiday. No wonder they said one week is nowhere near the word 'enough'.

Everyone's looking forward to CNY, look at all the decorations and plans they've made.. They're so enthusiastic. Unlike me, feeling almost nothing.. Pathetic.

10 February, 2010


我是不是有夜盲,我自己也不知道。 只知道现在在黑暗中是不太看得见东西了。我还没严重到伸手不见五指的程度,所以不肯定。

原来看不见东西是很恐怖的。 虽然以前曾经用布条遮住眼睛玩游戏,但那感觉不一样。因为我在怕的时候还可以立刻拉掉布条。刚刚从体育馆走回宿舍时,真的是不得不放慢脚步,无法像白天上课时走得比较快。真的很暗,连草地和马路都分不清楚。只看得见前方走廊的灯,所以就直直向前走。低头看的时候,我竟连我的拖鞋也看不见了。我知道近视会影响到夜时的视线,但我近视很浅啊,我不觉得会严重到这个样子咯…



07 February, 2010



Posted this on my FB wall. I understand that many would recognize this line from the taiwan series. I know there will be people liking it. They'll think I like the post due to the series. But I would like to clarify, that that is definitely not the reason I like that post.

My camera... is for me to record memories. Memories I treasure, memories I want to keep forever.. It's so amusing, that in a way, time stopped when the camera light flashes. And you see an image, leaving proof of everything that happened. I need these proof. =)

Those who know me well, will understand. And I doubt, without reading this blog post, how many would?

05 February, 2010

Rise and Shine

Just as expected, the net's so much better early in the morning. Another reason I choose to wake up earlier in the morning to do homework, is that I feel fresher, and I really dont want to stay up late for homework anymore. I've been going to bed pretty late for the last semester and look at my eyebags! Sheesh these aren't gonna disappear man...

Waking up early in the morning isn't that hard as I thought, provided if I go to bed earlier on the night before of course. XD The only thing to worry about is whether I slam my alarms to silence and sink back into bed. Yesh ALARMSSSS. I need THREE of them. The original alarm clock, and the other two will be the phones'. Just in case ah. XD

I think I'd better head back to work. XP

04 February, 2010

Mou Liu

Lalalalala. I'M HERE, when I'm not supposed to be, again. XDDDD Apparently our 'beloved' math lecturer is SICK, so we have today off. Well that's what he told us YESTERDAY. Obvious. Orz.

Anyway... Within 13 minutes I should be heading to the gymnasium again to practice our gymrama. Actually it's gymnastic, but since we call it gymrama, and it isn't really gymnastic, so gymrama it is. I think. :P

Obviously... I didnt take my medication again. XDDD

03 February, 2010


Hahahahaha. Went out for dinner with the others and it was raining heavily when we wanted to leave. And guess what, WE RAN IN THE RAIN. =D

I cant find words to explain and really, it was just so overwhelming when we laughed and ran in the rain to get to the car, which was parked opposite the road. No umbrellas, so what do you expect? Hahahaha.

Okay I know this is kinda swt. But I'm happy what. XD

01 February, 2010

Coffee Night

Peaceful and calm are the words I use to describe my tonight. =)

I should be worn  out by now, after all the exercise today. Gymrama and softball, everything done in a day can be pretty tiring. But surprisingly, I’m not. In fact I’m feeling pretty comfy tonight.

I’m proud of my groupmates for gymrama. I love the way we cooperate to compile ideas for the movements’ arrangement. I enjoyed myself when we fooled around with the gymrama accessories. I like it when we actually managed to show the lecturer SOMETHING. Hahahaha. We started practising only an hour before presenting and we totally werent ready for the third and fourth song. I was shocked that they actually wanted me to lead the part for the two songs as we didnt practise those parts at all. For one thing, I have no idea why was I born with absolutely non-creative cells in the brain. And secondly, I suck at tempos and dancing! So yeah, I did darn unsatisfying simple movements. As expected? XP Still, we’re going to continue practice at the gym tomorrow after class. It’s been a long while since the ten of us get together to do something. Ten of us... That was so long ago. I wonder if anyone remembers how it was like when it was the only ten of us. Everything was so awesome. Mind you, I’m not complaining that it’s thirteen now. Anyway, I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s practice. =3

Softball is great, and also not enough, as usual. XD I yearn for more seriously. You have no bloody clue how excited I was when I knew I was going to learn softball! It’s like, almost a dream come true! I’ve always been waiting for a chance, to understand what it feels like to hold a baseball, the throwing, the catching, etc. Today the coach taught us how to pitch. To find a pitcher sure isn’t easy. Anyone can be a batter, a catcher or a runner, but not a pitcher. Not everyone can pitch. You can see all the balls flying aimlessly at the field today. The scene made me feel so excited and this is not the first time. =) Every week I look forward to softball practice but I feel disappointed each time. The coach is experienced and responsible enough. But the practice hours are always insufficient. How do you expect a person to learn the basics (at least) soon enough to play, within approximately  months? Not to mention that practice is only once a week, and one and a half hours every practice. OTL. I’ve actually thought of seeking the coach personally to ask her more on softball, and see if she’s willing to teach? Hee. XD

Anyway... I kinda like tonight. There’re lots of stuff to do actually, but I seem to allow myself to slow down the hectic pace. Made myself a cup of steaming hot coffee, and sat in front of my beloved Lappy. I finished washing my clothes. I watched an episode of Eyeshield. Smelling the super nice aroma of the coffee steam is just so so so so GOOD! XD It’s just so soothing... It made me feels so calm... So nice... Yet so sleepy. Hahahahaha. So I guess that means no way coffee is gonna help in keeping me awake for the whole night. ^^

*scrolls upwards and looks*
.....speechless. I cant remember the last time I wrote a post this long. Hahaha. XD

Thank You

Two days seem to be a little bit short this time. It’s like I’ve only stayed at home for less than 24 hours and here I am again, back in Ipoh.

Just finished trimming the tracks we need for our PJ gymrama. My god it seriously took me hours man. What’s more, we’ll be performing stuff within 12 hours! I’ve no single clue how are we gonna make it tomorrow. The moves aren’t even ready yet..

I CANT BELIEVE I MISSED THE BADMINTON MATCHES. ARGHHHHHHHHH. I didn’t know that there were sports tournaments going on this weekend. And I was NOT AROUND. ARGHHHHHHHH. I wanted to watch them so badly damnit! Singles and doubles! I’ve been waiting for weeks man! Dang! I’m not sure whether the basketball matches are over yet but oh pleaseeeee NO. I wouldn’t want to miss that too lahhhhhh. TT^TT

Erm, I know I’ve been pretty emotional lately, especially online. I guess I tend to think a lot when I’m alone in front of the computer, or Lappy. Anyway, I would like to thank friends who showed concerned last week when I sort of broke down..  I really didn’t expect myself to behave that way. I’m touched, and grateful. Thank you all.

I’d better be off. Had only 4 hours of sleep yesterday.