27 May, 2013

Warming Up

Haven't been updating my blog for a few months, so I'm trying to do a little bit of warm up and get back to writing. It's true that I feel more like blogging when I don't really have someone to talk to. It's like I'm talking to myself, trying to cheer up myself on my own. Dumbass. 

Another semester down, it's our semester break again. After a hectic semester, I just feel like slowing down my pace, rest for a while, and do something I like. Somehow the situation at home doesn't allow me to be 'carefree' in that sense. Never mind.

There are a few targets that I hope to achieve within this three-week break. Erm, I'm not going to reveal anything first. Coz whenever I do so, I end up NOT doing them. Orz

Enough babbling for the moment. Bloggy seems to be a nice space for emo release. -sigh-


