04 May, 2009

Pain Pain

I should be writing emails tonight. But the pain is killing me. Hello my dearest aunt, you came at the wrong time. Ugh. Another thing is, maybe I shouldnt have pushed myself too hard during yesterday's training. Mr roy was teaching us our kicks, from the basics to the tougher ones. I was worried about my hook kicks, reverse swings, and my inner outer crescents. You see, I'm terrible at balancing. So I wobble at kicks. My weight is also another issue. After warming up with kicks, had a 5min break. Then came the fun part. Poh poh was in charge of the blues and reds. And guess what, she brought us to the sidebars or polls or tiangs or whatever you call them, REVERSE SWINGS AND HOOK KICKS. Woohoo! I've always wanted to learn how to perform these well but delayed my practice at home due to preparation for the interview. Anyway, the point is, if I dont raise my knee high enough, I'll get the tiangs. (Yes tiangs, easier to call'em that way) I got tired easily, the kicks were killing me, but I still tried to do every single one of it the correct way. I finally did one successful one, complete with the correct width range of my kick's angle. Yay! At the end of practice, I have a speck of yellow paint on a foot. The reason behind this is so obvious. If you still dont get it, another hint for you: The tiangs are painted in yellow. Get it? If you STILL dont, forget it. *I'm being stupid I know*

For the first time in 18 years, I'm gonna boast about my waist. Hahaha. Swt. But really eh, I cant believe after finishing all those super tiring but exciting kicks, I still managed to finish all the stomach exercise without panting. Hahahaha. I was quite happy as I didnt know the ring of wobbly fats around my waist can be that erm... strong? Nah, dont think that's the appropriate word. Due to my poor vocab, I shall leave it blank. XD (Evil sotong felt so proud of her fats when she found her friends around her have super pale faces and they pant like they're gonna faint anytime.) *ish kicked and slapped and tumbuk'ed and piak'ed*

I'm going off to bed now. Earlier tonight as..... Tomorrow's gonna kill. I've no idea how many times I've repeated this but.... I REALLY DONT FEEL LIKE WORKING TOMORROW. My legs are killing me. And tomorow's my first day of chemistry tuition. WEEEEEE.


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