04 June, 2011

Blog Challenge - Day 6


Hahahaha erm, this challenge shouldn't be that hard when compared to the last few day's maybe? *starts brainstorming*

1. FACEBOOK! XD It can be said that my Facebook is on for the whole day but I only appear online when I'm able to be there all the time. If I'm busy or away from lappy, I'll appear offline. If I'm sleeping or studying downstairs (I hereby refer to the house in Ipoh), I might just switch it off. XP

2. Blog. Yesh I blog. Especially when I'm bored, sad or angry. I understand that my blog has a lot of negative and unhappy posts of rants. It just happened to be that sometimes I just can't find someone to tell about those unhappy stuff so I thought I might just blog about it and leave everything there. Most of the times I feel better that way. Sorry for the eyesore. ><

3. Play Cityville. Quite similar to the first point, my Cityville is almost open for the whole day too. But I close it sometimes when I'm out of energy. XP

4. Twitter. I will think of a way to tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet and tweet. XP I like to read the tweets of OhTeenQuotes. They're pretty good, just so you know. ;)

5. Filter my emails. I now have 1635 emails in my inbox. I have already filtered and deleted 1000 but look there's so much more. @@ I keep some mails that I find meaningful, that's why I don't delete everything I see. Of course I delete all Facebook mails, or else they'll be spamming my inbox. XP

6. Read books. That is why I keep a few novels in the room. XD I sometimes read before I sleep. It gives me a calm feeling and it will be easier for me to sleep after that. It is not good to strain our eyes before we sleep too. =)

7. Watch movies, dramas or animes. I have so manyyyyyyyyy. But I haven't have time to finish everything hahaha. Well at least that means I will have something to watch when I badly want to. XD

8. Listen to songs. I also have tonnes of songs that I have NOT even listened to hahaha. When I have the mood, I will listen to them one by one and delete those I don't like. Whereas to those I favour a lot, I might even learn how to sing to bust them at K-Box. XD

9. Sleep. Yea when I really don't know to do and I'm really really tired already, why not just hug my pillows tightly and rest my head off? XD

10. And the most definite thing I'd do of all, FIND DEAR. XD

It wasn't that hard after all. XD

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