08 June, 2011

Blog Challenge - Day 10


1. I will NEVER join competitions like Fear Factor. I just can't make myself eat those disgusting insects to get the one million dollars.

2. I will never back stab my friends. Hahahaha but forgive me for funny and harmless gossips. XD

3. I will never stop taking meat for the purpose of losing weight. One reason is that I really really love to eat meat, and the second reason is that I didn't really like vegetables in the first place, so I only take a few kinds now. ><

4. I will never use vulgar to scold the people I love. Dear, family and friends. I use foul words here at bloggy though. Just to let go of the anger and fear. But I don't mean to scold anyone. It's just for letting out. 

5. I will never let go of my beloved ones easily. When I know it's worth it, I will not loosen my grasp.

6. I will never throw my pillow away. For the pleasure of imagining and satisfaction. XD

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