03 June, 2011

Blog Challenge - Day 5


Ahhhh..   This is just the exact opposite of yesterday's post. Think think think think..

1. I filter my words when I talk to him. Our conversation will be pretty much normal, like normal friends. Unless I dislike this person a lot, I will look out for my words and prevent myself from hurting people's feelings. It's kinda like a simple way of showing respect. Of course that doesn't mean I don't respect people I'm close with lah. XP

2. Most probably I won't let him know about my unhappy moments. I mean like, maybe I'll less share my personal problems. Unless he's a good friend, and I trust him enough. =)

3. I don't smile without reasons when I think of him. I will smile even at a photo, a text message, or even when I suddenly think of a moment with that special him.

4. I treat every guy the same way. As I came from an all-female secondary school, I didn't really know how to interact with guys. So when I came to Ipoh, I started to learn how to hang out with guys. If I wasn't into somebody, I would've treated everyone the same way.

5. I would have spent most of my day doing nothing or loafing on the internet. I wouldn't know what to do, or I might even take out my books and start studying. Orz. If I'm into somebody I think I would have a lot of 'homework' to do hahaha.

6. Just books, food, the internet or a simple chat with a friend is enough for me. If that special person exists, I will most probably think of him easily whenever I see something related to him.

7. I will appear online on MSN, Facebook and Twitter all day long. I have this weird habit - Although I seldom really chat with anyone, when I feel lonely, I appear online whole day, just looking at people getting online and offline. ><

8. It would always be very nice to gossip about ANY guy during girl talks. XD On the other hand, if I have someone in mind, I will feel embarrassed to gossip the person I like in front of others. XP

9. Any phone calls or text messages are formal or normal. If they're not urgent, I might even return the calls or messages an hour later.

10. I'll reconsider or hesitate dates or outings. I will make sure I have other female friends with me if so. A bunch of friends hanging out together will be fine and I'll feel secure. XP

11. I might tell him in person. ><

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